NQF strives to continually improve its measure endorsement process, known as the Consensus Development Process (CDP), to remain responsive to its stakeholders’ needs. Volunteer, multi-stakeholder steering committees are the central component to this process, and the success of NQF's projects is due in large part to the participation of its Steering Committee members.
Prior to the HHS contract that started in 2009, NQF operated with a great deal of uncertainty regarding resources for proposed projects. Consequently, work was organized on a project-by-project basis with no comprehensive schedule. NQF appointed project-specific Steering Committees, with the nominations process commencing when project funding had been secured.
During the past year, NQF established a three-year schedule for Endorsement Maintenance projects across 20 cross-cutting and condition-specific areas. The combination of longer-term planning and dedicated resources now provides the opportunity to move some of the more time-intensive steps of the CDP to pre-work.
NQF is convening a set of Standing Committees within various project topic areas. Committee members will initially serve two year or three year terms, and the Committees will be responsible for handling endorsement and measure maintenance, as well as ad hoc and expedited project work in their designated areas.
Standing topical Committees shall be composed of twenty (20) individuals with the option to flex up to twenty-five (25) individuals to include specialized expertise, after consultation with the members. The Standing Committee will represent a variety of stakeholders, including consumers, purchasers, providers, health professionals, health plans, suppliers and industry, community and public health, and healthcare quality experts. Because NQF attempts to represent a diversity of stakeholder perspectives on committees, a limited number of individuals from each of these stakeholder groups can be seated onto a committee.
During the transition from project specific Steering Committees to Standing Committees, committee members will be appointed to a two or three year term initially, with approximately half of the committee appointed to a two year term and the other half a three year term. Each term thereafter will be a three year term. Committee members may serve two consecutive terms. They must step down for a full term (three years) before becoming eligible for reappointment. The Committee member’s term on the Standing Committee begins upon selection to the Committee, immediately following the close of the roster commenting period.
Participation on the Committee requires a significant time commitment. To apply, Committee members should be available to participate in all currently scheduled calls/meetings. Over the course of the Committee member’s term, additional calls will be scheduled or calls may be rescheduled; new dates are set based on the availability of the majority of the Committee.
Nominations are to an individual, not an organization, so “substitutions” of other individuals from an organization at conference calls or meetings are not permitted. Committee members are encouraged to engage colleagues and solicit input from colleagues throughout the process.
Disclosure of Interest
Each member will be asked to complete or update their disclosure of interest form prior to reviewing measures. Per the NQF Conflict of Interest Policy, member(s) may be required to recuse themselves from discussion of one or more measures based on prior involvement or relationships to entities relevant to the measure endorsement process.
Committee participation includes: (these times may vary depending on the number and complexity of the measures under review as well as the complexity of the topic and multi-stakeholder consensus process)
- Review all measure submission forms (approximately 1-2 hours per measure)
- Participate in the scheduled orientation call (2 hours)
- The option to attend one of two optional NQF Staff-hosted measure evaluation Q&A calls (1 hour)
- Review measures with the full Committee by participating in a workgroup call (2 hours); workgroup assignments will be made by area of expertise
- Attend scheduled in-person meetings (2 full days in Washington, DC); in-person meetings will take place on an annual basis
- Complete measure review by participating on the post-comment conference call (2 hours)
- Complete additional measure reviews by conference call
- Participate in additional calls as necessary
- Complete surveys and pre-meeting evaluations
- Present measures and lead discussions for the Committee on conference calls and in meetings
If a member has poor attendance or participation:
- The NQF staff will contact the member asking if he/she would like to forego their Committee participation.
- If a member is unable to fulfill their term (for any reason):
- The nominations received during the most recent call for nominations would be reviewed for a replacement.
- NQF staff will contact the potential replacement.
- If accepting, the new committee member would complete the term of the individual they have replaced.
- The member may not select a substitute to carry out the remainder of the term.
If a member is not present or inactive at the time Committee votes are collected for measure evaluation criteria or recommendations for endorsement:
- NQF staff will contact the member to submit their vote online by the deadline.
- Votes not submitted by the member on or prior to the deadline will not be included in the final tally. No proxy votes or substitutions are allowed.
Self-nominations are welcome. Third-party nominations must indicate that the individual has been contacted and is willing to serve. To be considered for appointment to the Steering Committee, please send the following information:
- a completed online nomination form, including:
- a brief statement of interest
- a brief description of nominee expertise highlighting experience relevant to the committee
- a short biography (maximum 750 characters), highlighting experience/knowledge relevant to the expertise described above and involvement in candidate measure development
- curriculum vitae or list of relevant experience (e.g., publications) up to 20 pages
- a completed disclosure of interest form. This will be requested upon your submission of the nominations form for Committees actively seeking nominees.
- confirmation of availability to participate in any currently scheduled calls and meeting dates. This will be requested upon your submission of the nominations form for Committees actively seeking nominees.
Materials should be submitted through the NQF website.